Passionate and visionary are two words most would use to describe Andy King, the Executive Director of Dream Center Peoria (DCP). Andy has had a substantial impact on the city of Peoria since 2003, breaking barriers and building up the broken. Andy and his family have worked long and hard to make their vision of Dream Center Peoria a reality, Andy facilitates the many programs DCP offers, and he remains focused on serving not only his community but also God through it all. Dream Center Peoria reaches over 30,000 people each year in many different ways and see’s hundreds of volunteers serving through their programs each year to unite a community for maximum impact.

Andy, with his team, work tirelessly to impact the biggest homeless demographic in Peoria which is women, single moms with children and fathering dads. The homeless shelter at DCP see’s thousands come through its door each year, with an average age of 9 years old. Andy has taken the reigns of Dream Center Peoria, and is changing and shaping the Heart of Illinois for the better.

Throughout the years Andy has been in full-time ministry in various capacities in Central Illinois. He has help lead Executive teams, Pastoral teams and Creative teams within the church world. He recently spent a period of time on staff at Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN where he over saw all local and global outreach, including three Dream Centers that Cross Point ran at that time. 

Andy speaks from the heart and develops a powerful and compelling message of Hope and destiny. With over 25 years of speaking experience, Andy can bring a message that will challenge and inspire anyone who listens.

Andy resides in Peoria and is married to Teresa and has 3 children, Ethan, Clay and Joy.

Follow Andy on social media below!



Chuck Tate is the award-winning author of 41 Will Come (Tyndale House Publishers) and the founder and lead pastor of RockChurch, a thriving congregation in the heart of Illinois. Prior to planting RockChurch in 1998, Chuck worked for a national youth ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In that role, he managed and spoke at conventions across the United States and Canada, and co-produced a national television program that aired on Trinity Broadcasting Network. 

Chuck formerly hosted the 41 Strong Podcast and has been a contributor for <> and North Central University Magazine. He has also been featured on the international television show 100 Huntley Street and multiple national radio shows and podcasts, including In The Market With Janet Parshall (Moody Radio).

Chuck and his wife, Annette, are the parents of Savannah (16) and Ashton (13).

Follow Chuck on social media below!
